Central Europe Travelling

Central-SW Europe: LYON and Delorme
Challenges and CHANGES: Buonarroti, ARTS, Copernicus, Protestants, Sir Th. More, Trento...

HÔTEL BULLIOUD, close to Saône and Rhône rivers, was built by Philibert DE L’ ORME in 1536 like an ingenious GALLERY Communication between two mansions.


We’ll come back to Lyon and perhaps I write about his “Juiverie”, Bullioud, de l’ Orme et his studies in ROMA (1533-36), his relations with the Pope Paulus III [born A. Farnese, the young clergyman with a Mistress and father of not less than 5 loved children…].

—É un Paapa ameericano... ) ) )
—¿Francesco? Giovanni of Assisi was a young Hippie with dissolute lifestyle, later Francesco recovered childish nickname and became an ecophile, pacifist...
The Times were changing: RINASCITÁ, Buonarroti, Belvedere and Tivoli gardens; Niclas Koppernigk, Martin Luther and Protestant Reformation, Anne Boleyn Queen, decapitation of Saint Thomas More in London and the English break with Rome (a precedent of the Brexit?), Counter-Reformation and Council of Trent... Historical Changes!
Delorme and Palladio will be wellsprings for T. Jefferson and Philadelphia.
And now We escape to Switzerland like Calvin –a french Protestant and Huguenot leader– exiled in Geneva (1536), like the hispánico Miguel Serveto d’Aragón, J.-J. Rousseau, Charles Chaplin, Tina Turner…
—What a difficult World!
—Only sometimes and somewhere, for some people, some things are especially heavier; so much more than I told you.


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