Central-SW Europe Drivers

GENEVA Switzerland

City on Leman and Rhone: Impression

Genova shines between Jurassic mountains -the shelter for vineyards- and Mont Blanc, a source of water and other stories (“in vino veritas, in aqua sanitas”…).

Where the Rhone river exits from large lake Leman -the strategic location of the small Geneva Canton helps- the Geneveans are busy and also diligent so the county is clean, rich & cosmopolite.

Wine, water... What is Gin geneva?
—Well, I read Gin genie and you play Jean genie but are not the same things.
Harmonic atmosphere: highways respect the Forest, streets make the same with Parks; residents and visitors, drivers, bikers and walkers near the Lake; well-maintained Gardens and respected Pedestrian Spaces.
—What a beautiful Palaces!
Veo muchos Barquitos y Flores
—It’s 17:00 and the venture must go on; we’ll be back to show you more things. Not for spending a long time because it’s too expensive.

After a short and diffuse visit, P. drove out of the city and while going to Neuchâtel I enjoyed the variety of humanized Landscapes: small open fields, free horses and cows, clear bocages, cottages, chalets…
Citizens and peasants of valleys and mountains increased the level of his height country.


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